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Attract the Right Job Or Clientele:
Body Language is More Meaningful Than Most Realize
The sales profession teaches us that communications of all types and topics naturally include our body language or posturing. The posturing serves to get the point across, negotiate or mediate a solution, and ultimately come to a happy conclusion. Of course, we are describing the best possible situation and outcome.
My Story
An intimate group gathering for dinner and a more profound conversation afterward brings a smile upon recalling one gentleman’s facial expression. The next day, I told him I found his reactions highly entertaining, but discussing them in front of the person speaking would have been insulting!
The topic of the evening was concerning aliens visiting and inhabiting the Earth. Years ago, an encounter in Roswell received much noise and negativity. But today, we see articles that the government, through the years, was attempting to hide artifacts from spaceships and aliens. It is still a highly controversial subject, but it will undoubtedly be ours to discuss as time progresses.
Regardless of opinions, I find the topic fascinating, and so I was intrigued by what the gentleman shared with us. As a former salesperson, I listen intently to what others say and pose questions when I do not fully understand. Most of all, respect is essential in all cases. Therefore, I did all I could not laugh out loud upon watching the other gentleman’s facial expressions! Most notable, he was:
– Rolling his eyes
– Shaking his head back and forth
– Looking up at the ceiling frequently in disbelief
Realistically, journeying to a satisfying conclusion for all is not simple nor straightforward; there are many twists and turns, plus surprises along the way. Whether a personal conversation, one about space aliens, or one with a business orientation, it is vital to be acutely aware of how others respond throughout the meeting. Aside from selectively choosing words on either side, there are other elements to consider seriously:
– Body posturing
– Facial expressions
– Gestures
For business, the moment we see an unusual look or movement by the person or people in front of us, we do our best by stopping immediately to ask if they have questions. And the next best move is to acquire complete understanding via more questioning before attempting to further the discussion.
The more crucial point is to enjoy the conversation, develop a relationship with each person, and intrigue them to the point where all parties wish to continue the topic. Accordingly, I will visit the home of the person wanting to educate us further about aliens on Earth. It should prove to be fascinating regardless of whether others believe in the topic or not.
Your Story: Body Language is More Meaningful Than Most Realize
As you engage in conversation, consider whether you note people leaning in to learn more or push back, appearing somewhat detached. Recall strange looks you may have seen and how you felt upon seeing them. When we realize what negatively affects us, it becomes easier not to do the same to others. Consistent observing and handling discord diplomatically will earn you more opportunities, proving that body language is more meaningful than most realize.
Should further training be helpful, the complementary study is in public speaking. Additionally, increasing energy before meetings increases enthusiasm that comes across naturally to gain further interest. Combining techniques will noticeably engage your audience and attract additional interest to reach the end goal of increasing sales.
In Conclusion: Body Language is More Meaningful Than Most Realize
Increasing awareness of your body language and that of others will enhance your conversations exponentially. The reasoning is that you become more aware of what others hold essential and when to drill down with questions to gain more insightful answers. Equally important is that your meetings will become far more engaging to encourage a returning and referring clientele – the definition of The Smooth Sale!
For More Insights: Visit Elinor’s Amazon Author Page
‘Communicate to Attract Interest‘

Be A Story-Teller
Believe, Become, Empower“
Related Blog Stories:
Sales Tips: Body Language is More Meaningful Than Most Realize
- The first step for developing a meaningful conversation is to showcase an authentic smile.
- One word, why, or asking, how did you come to believe that, furthers the conversation more quickly for a deeper understanding.
- Be on the watch to control typical gestures and facial expressions that will put some people off.
- Attempt to connect the dots between what you hear and what you have previously observed to discuss more in-depth.
- Inquire about plans to further studies or increase business.
- Detect where you can assist with future projects or current business.
- Upon realizing the possibility of working together, ask the other person if they are interested.
- Hearing an agreeable answer, begin collaboratively by plotting out an initial plan.
- Review the goals and strategies together for a cohesive framework for working together.
- Celebrate Success!
Today’s insights are provided to help you achieve the Smooth Sale!
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