Attract the Right Job or Clientele:
Do You Use Unexpected Detours?
Recent conversations convey the theme, ‘use unexpected detours.’ Initially, it may seem to us that the dots do not connect. However, with perseverance and the motivation to learn why the detours are happening, we can move past them and then advance.
My Story
Sharing the snippets of my experiences finds me reminiscing about how the unrelated dots came to connect. Either mystery remains, or a seeming miracle will happen when we use relentless determination.
After getting past the ‘why me?’ question, I seek out the broader answer to ‘why?’ Discovering the elements leading to the answer makes all the difference. And then the work begins.
Five differentiators include:
- Research
- Conversations with peers
- Asking for help
- Trial and error
- Discovery
A glance back at my experiences suggests horrific to good news. Gradually I came out of the sinkhole to experience better and better news all the while dedicated to learning and further improvement.
Upon announcing the birth of Smooth Sale, people referred me, and I was instantly profitable. But, soon after, a move created the need to prove myself once again. Only this time the interest was severely lacking. What to do?
Instinctively, I began the process of implementing steps 1-4. By the time I reached the fifth step, I had come to an important conclusion. We are to do what feels right for each of us, regardless of put-downs and all else that follows.
Next, I began to work the original list backward. My goal was to prove, ‘Yes I can!’
Proving oneself takes much experimentation.
As we hear sneers, confidence takes a nose dive. I occasionally hired a coach for instruction and encouragement. Developing and improving all the while gave way to new peers and far improved conversations.
Last, keeping up with the times requires reading, research and tweaking what is already in place. Most notable was my antiquated idea that sales are solely dependent upon savvy salespeople. As an entrepreneur, it was an immediate eye-opener that strategic marketing is a requirement. I dedicated myself to learning.
Over time, I bought into the idea of using content marketing via this blog. Sharing my stories, with the goal of helping others improve, works far better than I ever anticipated. The trial and error portion was that of the Smooth Sale Blog undergoing varying communication styles. I looked for indicators of which one works the best for growing my audience.
Recognition certainly did not happen overnight. After my sales career, the need for intense learning began. I started with writing the book, Nice Girls DO Get the Sale, more books, learning about social media, attracting interviews all the while, and submitting content to other sites.
Operating a business requires all avenues to work independently yet feed into one another for a more robust outcome. Interestingly, the term Sales Enablement became popular over time. In my opinion, it is the marriage of marketing and sales that attracts and produces a larger volume of sales.
A Worthwhile Effort
An email from Atomic Reach took me entirely by surprise. The announcement was they included me in their article, ‘242 Content Marketing Influencers You Need to follow.’ You do need to scroll down toward the bottom to see me mentioned. However, I am on the list!
Your Story About Unexpected Detours
Starting in your career can be both scary and inspiring at the same time. You want to make a mark and promise to learn everything you can. But sometimes you (and everyone else) are occasionally stopped in your tracks.
If you are wondering how to surpass your unexpected detour, then consider registering for this webinar: Freshworks, is hosting the online High-Velocity Sales Summit Feb 20 – 22, 2019. They are bringing onboard 30+ sales leaders and influencers as speakers for the summit. They have leaders from Stripe, Slack, Facebook, Gainsight, G2 Crowd, Twilio, Freshworks, etc. lined-up as speakers for the summit.
Make it a habit of welcoming the unexpected detours. Always consider the opposite of the norm. When trouble appears, think about whether you are getting into a routine. Are you doing more of the same with little improvement?
Detours force you to figure out next moves along with additional learning. Without the stumbling blocks, little education is yours.
Welcome the unexpected detours while motivating yourself to move away from the setback. And as you deal with the unexpected, reset your vision to something more robust. It is the grander vision that will excite and motivate you to pursue more significant accomplishments.
In your quiet time, begin journaling the following:
- Work that has you excited to get up early in the morning
- Peers you find inspiring
- The grandest accomplishment that will have you smiling
Underneath the three topics expand upon the list with:
- All the elements of work that you enjoy and how to expand upon them
- Form your brain trust and possibly find a similarly minded networking group
- Do you have a long-held dream in need of updating to make it a reality?
When you believe you can achieve something, and give the effort your all, chances are you will succeed. And then it will be your turn to encourage others to do the same.
Sales Tips for Unexpected Detours
- Limit self-pity to 24 hours
- The next day, pledge to resolve the issue(s)
- Come to terms with what stopped you in your tracks
- For each element of the problem create a plan of action to fix
- In your new plan add related ideas that excite you
- Share the new strategy with peers
- Embrace sneers and cheers knowing you are onto something far better
- Track your steps for adjustments
- Continue testing new approaches to remain current
- Celebrate Success!
For More Insights: Visit Elinor’s Amazon Author Page
“Communicate to Attract Interest”
Authentic Relationships Are Essential
Be A Story-Teller
As the CEO of Smooth Sale, after her near-death experience, Stutz adapted the motto,
“Believe, Become, Empower“
” Nice Girls DO Get the Sale is an International Best-Selling and Evergreen Book – among the classics;
HIRED! Helped many to secure the job they desired.
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