Attract the Right Job or Clientele

On occasion, we need to speak and stand up on our behalf because no one else will. Other times, we decide to advise others, although the other party may not wish to hear what we are about to say. Usage of sincerity and diplomacy improves the messaging in our communication.

Trying to convince someone to do something that isn’t 100% in alignment with their thinking will kill a sale and most often the relationship.

Our communication, in all instances, is to be in alignment with our intuitive thought and belief systems to come across as genuine and heartfelt. Others need to see that you are looking out for both your own and their well-being. For sales, business and career, this is the best of all worlds. The style encourages a growing clientele, friendships, and advancement.

My Story

Throughout the years I have been told, “you should…” But the ideas projected aren’t right for me. I choose instead to go my own way even against strong objection. From a business perspective, the assertiveness has me wonder if the same people attempt similar strong-arm tactics with their clientele.

The problem becomes should any of us give into something that is contrary to our beliefs; it won’t work. Moving forward on the wrong footing sends conflicting messages to our networks, and diminishes the stature of our individual personal brand.

Advice Given

Last year, I thought I stuck my foot in my mouth by advising “Georgina”. At the time, Georgina was working for a man who had a giant ego and didn’t appear to be 100% ethical. She and I had just met at the event, yet, I chose to tell her, “You might consider quitting your job.” Thankfully, she agreed with me admitting the idea struck her, too!

Georgina went on to be in business for herself, but it was a struggle having children at home. Recently, we met for lunch, and I was beside myself with happiness for her. She since applied my relationship selling insights to a new career. Georgina is involved with the latest industry of cyber-security to become successful in the sales arena. Her success was detected the moment she walked through the door with utmost confidence. It was a treat to see.

Advice Delivery

Deliver advice and ask questions in a way that produces further understanding in all aspects of someone’s thinking. On occasion, when I turn down someone’s advice, I always provide my thought behind it. Most get angry when they aren’t successful. Perhaps it’s my experience of being in sales, but a Yes doesn’t occur 100% of the time. When we choose to learn from the experience, we fast track our success to increase the odds to our favor for the future.


Your Story

The bigger question is whether you remain true to your beliefs and style in all regards. Consider the following:

  • Do you feel as if sometimes you are a pushover for others?
  • Are you receptive to at least considering new ideas from multiple angles?
  • Are all of the decisions you make in alignment with your priorities and values?

Sometimes a pronouncement by another may sound very convincing. But, something deep down tells us not to move forward. The next time this happens to you, consider the situation from all angles and discuss with trusted friends. It may be agonizing, but once you recognize the troubling areas, a better decision will be yours. As this becomes practice, you will find yourself becoming more confident with the need to make difficult decisions.

The strength found in the practice of decision-making on your terms will serve to advance your career more quickly than previously thought.

Sales Tips
  1. Maintain your values and priorities.
  2. Consider new ideas from multiple perspectives.
  3. Move forward with what’s important to you, and you first.
  4. Never compromise on proceedings just to please someone.
  5. Adhere to honesty.
  6. Serve clientele to the best of your ability.
  7. Strive to build relationships everywhere.
  8. Communicate with diplomacy and sincerity.
  9. Check in with people as they come to mind.
  10. Celebrate success!


Following these guidelines will lead you to the Smooth Sale!

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