Attract the Right Job or Clientele:

The Do’s & Don’ts of Presenting, provided by Sarah Brown of offers outstanding advice to engage your audience. Now that Spring has arrived, conferences are being held and presenters need to calm their nerves and receive assurances they are on track.

Likewise, those presenting at client meetings will do well to heed the tips found in the infographic below. And for those of you about to have a job interview, while you may not need a formal presentation, the communication skills are essential for making an excellent impression.

Sales Tips:

Have business cards handy for distribution at events. Have a speaker banner created specifically for your business. Practice smiling and watch posture in the mirror before the event. Exercise prior to speaking to get the adrenaline flow. Quietly tell yourself you will be a huge success. Create programs to be offered after you speak. Showcase product at your table. Provide handouts at the start of your talk. Share stories and answer questions where appropriate. Celebrate Success!

Following these guidelines will lead you to the Smooth Sale!

P.S. Send us your sales related questions to

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