Photo by Nicole Baster via Unsplash
Attract the Right Job Or Clientele:
Which Change Do You Want To Participate In?
Many of us have recurring thoughts about the change we would like to see in the world. More so today, society is rapidly changing with technological breakthroughs and behavioral change, too. An idea that you hold may be already emerging, or it may be your idea that others await. But no one will know if you don’t research the thought or give it a try.
Once we graduate from school to begin a career, we already have much on our minds about what is not fair and is awaiting change. By mid-career, the same issue may play over and over while new ones come into the fold. And as an entrepreneur, people become more outspoken, realizing it’s time to take action. Accordingly, today’s question is, which change do you want to participate in?
My Story
For a long while, I thought we need to be geniuses like Einstein to make a difference in society. It’s helpful to hold that status, but I eventually realized that it isn’t essential. The driving force is in our motivation to continue forward to achieve our vision of the end goal.
Over time, I came to realize that while my counterparts may not be famous geniuses, collectively, we have a great pool of ideas. Reflecting upon the concept, I know that companies miss out on the opportunity to do far better. Maintaining a hierarchy of preferred employees is not beneficial to the people or the company. Discontent ensues, and employees soon leave. There is a tremendous cost attached to the need for hiring, training, and handing off work to then begin the process all over again.
As a salesperson, I stood out from the crowd by giving full attention to the seemingly lower-level employees. Most other representatives missed the fact that my respect and inquisitive nature encouraged those employees to help me get into the C-suite. Back at the office, I endured similar misjudgment.
My goal became to speak up for women and people of diverse backgrounds. But more so, today, I advocate for equality and inclusion. Allowing people of all genders and races to voice their opinions and thoughts gives way to a more robust solution. The companies that recognize the value of diversity and inclusion are likely to do far better.
Once we graduate from school to begin a career, we already have much on our minds about what is not fair and is awaiting change. By mid-career, the same issue may play out over and over, and new ones come into the fold. And as an entrepreneur, people become more outspoken, realizing it’s time to take action.
Accordingly, we receive requests to join groups and organizations. The only caution is to be aware of the time commitment so that when we do join, we can provide our best. By reviewing what we want to accomplish and the ideas on our bucket list, we can proceed in the direction of the change we wish to participate in.
As a committee member for two organizations, plus sending articles to the sites that inspire and motivate me, I find that reward appears in return. Unexpectedly, media interviews and other forms of recognition come about. It’s the opportunity to further spread the word about my ambition of seeking equality among all. is inviting the public to join their Bucket List event. They have a diverse lineup of speakers ready to provide their insights and inspiring thought. You may click this link to register free of charge.
Today, a commitment is in place for helping two organizations improve diversity and inclusion globally. The effort stems from prior experiences that go unappreciated. My combination of perseverance and striving to help others move past barriers gained recognition this past week. To my surprise and delight, CIO Views Magazine includes my story in the article entitled, ‘One Of The 10 Most Inspiring Business Leaders Making A Difference.’
The article’s title says it all for what I want to achieve ultimately ~ that is to help inspire others to achieve their ultimate goals.
For More Insights: Visit Elinor’s Amazon Author Page
“Communicate to Attract Interest“
Be A Story-Teller
As the CEO of Smooth Sale, after her near-death experience, Stutz adapted the motto,
“Believe, Become, Empower.
”Nice Girls DO Get the Sale is an International Best-Selling and Evergreen Book – among the classics;
HIRED! Helped many to secure the job they desired.
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Your Story: Which Change Do You Want To Participate In?
Should your day be filled with family obligations and full-time work, it may be difficult to consider the change you want to participate in. Nevertheless, in a quiet moment, it’s good to reflect on what speaks to your soul. There will be a turning point down the road when an opportunity to participate becomes available. Take the time today to consider which one may capture your attention.
Before you investigate further, take time to review what has been on your mind for a long while. Consider the following:
- Continual disrespect
- A recurring negative theme from others
- Inability to move past hurdles
It is the repeated negative commentary and closed doors you can use as your motivator to inspire others to do better. Upon realizing the activity that may inspire you, consider how you can be a change-maker. How will your natural gifts and talents support the activity in which you wish to participate? As you navigate your favorite social platforms, seek out people and organizations that advocate similar interests. Connect with the people and research the companies.
Doing your homework will produce the better connections and potential for being the change agent you desire.
Sales Tips: Which Change Do You Want To Participate in?
- Acknowledge the frequent commentary that irritates you.
- Rework the negativity into a positive thought.
- Consider people and organizations that may think similarly.
- Research the people and organizations you might like to join.
- Create collaborative projects for communities.
- Track your progress on the benefits your ideas bring.
- Exchange ideas with those who want to see a similar change in action.
- Spread word of the change in which you are participating.
- Attract media interviews with your excellent work and further build your brand.
- Celebrate Success!
Today’s insights are provided to help you achieve the Smooth Sale!
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