Diversity wins workplace and conversation

Diversity comes in so many varieties that it’s important to understand how some of the aspects lead to both an improved career as well as business.  Anthropology and archaeology are wonderful studies to comprehend the journey of mankind.  History, language and cultural differences also provide insights as to how to best communicate with people different from us.

The key to growth however, is not just understanding or recognizing differences, but to incorporate the best of what others know into our own arsenal of knowledge.  Doing so provides more of a 360 degree perspective of how to improve our endeavors to find greater success.  The only caution is to be well aware of your personal values and priorities as you begin to truly listen to others in order. This is so you will know which of their insights to implement.

[youtube]Diversity wins workplace and conversation[/youtube]

Remaining true to yourself becomes the development of your personal brand. As your brand becomes recognized, like-minded others will find and promote you to those they know.  And as others see you openly discussing and sharing your ideas and those of others, you begin to attract a wider audience and ultimately clientele.  In fact, you step into a position of leader.

A perfect example is that of my belonging to an online sales group.  Although we are each in the same endeavor, we hold unique talent, approaches, and specialize in a variety of areas in the sales arena.  Frequently, questions are posed for better usage of a site or how to advance an idea.  There is a string of communication that follows.  Each member, having built a strong brand and business foundation over the years, brings to the email a wider variety of perspective to the subject matter.  The discussion enables each of us to grow tremendously.

The question today is, how diverse is your program or open is your willingness to consider new ideas different from your own?

You will find that inter-mixing with people from around the world including many cultures, will do wonders for your career and business opportunities ahead.  In fact, it will lead you to the Smooth Sale!

Read Addtional Strategies and Techniques:

Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results, Sourcebooks

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