What are they thinking De-tracting sales rather than Attracting More Sales?!

It was an unimaginable experience – and – about a gigantic corporation that should know to train its employees much, much better.

Given part of my revenue stream is delivering webinars, it is vitally important that my cable service be delivered without interruption. Unfortunately that was not the case so I was motivated to change providers. I walked into the store of said provider with all of the internet and television equipment in hand that needed to be returned. As fate would have it, the store was filled with new customers waiting in line.

I was cheerfully greeted – an excellent beginning but it ended there. I was then asked to put the used equipment on the counter in the center of the store. Suddenly all eyes were upon me. Next I was handed a stationary phone connecting me to customer service – placed on the counter in the center of the store – and – in front of all the customers waiting to purchase!
While standing in front of everyone, I tried to discreetly communicate why we were discontinuing the service! This was an excellent strategy for discouraging their new prospects, current clients and future business development. Why didn’t they escort me to a private room to take care of this?

Emphasizing the company’s lack of forethought, the morning’s newspaper relayed that the very same company is not handling complaints of dropped calls on the iPhone appropriately. Apple is seriously considering Verizon as its next vendor. The marketing messages given by this company is “We’re too big and don’t care what you think!” Keeping this up, they won’t be too big for long.

In short, always take the leadership stance to be of the mindset of caring about your clientele and striving to build relationships. In turn, your clientele will take care of you making for a continued Smooth Sale!

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