Are you balancing your free time with time spent working?
The past few months I have been guilty of working quite long hours but know of others who extend themselves even further. However, everything comes to a screeching halt when my children visit so we may enjoy precious family time.
The quantity of time spent on my business recently has been weighing on me. Timing was perfect when the following words were received in an email:
“I had been working non-stop since October ’09. I was putting in on average 16 hour days 7 days a week. On February 3rd, I was having heart trouble. With that, I energetically STOPPED everything I was doing, focused on my health and basically slept for a month. …Only normal office hours from now on…”
I share this to hopefully prevent my readers from having to go through something similar.
Our clients enjoy us best when we are rested and cheerful. The positive mood serves us best for building relationship and attracting sales. Prioritize what is important to you and enjoy life – make it a Smooth Sale!