Questions avoided vs answered present the improved path
Do you have a question concerning your job or expectations for services to be delivered to a client that has gone unanswered? The unanswered question may be seen as a red flag. The concern you have is real, but the other party does not wish to acknowledge it. The secondary question is why is your question being avoided?
You may wonder why would someone waste your time by not being forthright? Should you be employed, they fear if the answer is revealed you will quit. And if someone is contemplating hiring you or just did so, they want your service without any disturbance.
In spite of your employer’s or client’s concerns, it is up to you to be of the mindset to get the answer and determine if the job will still meet your standard of ethics. This is where expert follow-up is required. Use the two-pronged method of telephone first and then follow-up with email. Give fair warning on your voice message that you will follow up with email. In the email state, “Per my message, it may be easier for you to reply by email than dial back.”
Nothing is 100% but I do have an unusually high percentage of returned messages using the above method. However, if you are still unable to get a response, you might try one more time. But deep down, you know full well it is time to walk away. Business isn’t worth interrupting your integrity.
Maintaining high standards for how you conduct business will lead you to the Smooth Sale!
Read Addtional Strategies and Techniques:
Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results, Sourcebooks
HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews, Career Press