Your Day in the Sun

Jacynth called to discuss her distress over what happened in a team meeting yesterday.  After a couple of months putting long hours into her new job and finally connecting all the dots, her effort was finally taking hold and attracting attention.  Yesterday was the first time her Manager acknowledged the fine job she was doing in front of the entire team.

Surprise and delight were hers, but only for half a second.  George decided his effort was far superior and announced it as such. Jacynth was dumbfounded that she wasn’t allowed a mere second of praise.  She had plenty of thoughts for comebacks but chose not to say anything.  Carefully weighing the outcome of any possible remark, she felt would have put herself in the same ballpark as George.  So she let her day in the sun drift off to the clouds.

As a friend, I felt good that Jacynth was able to share the incident with me.  In the end, we each need to feel proud of the work we do each and every day answering to ourselves.  Should we receive praise from others, fabulous, but if it’s not meant to be, we just need to acknowledge the job we did by ourselves.  

Take time to celebrate your accomplishments.  On occasion, step away from work to recognize how far you have come.  This will be the motivating force to continue your work.  The pridce you take in what you do (without being egotistical) will attract the right attention and the Smooth Sale, over and over again!

 Smooth Sale!

Read Addtional Strategies and Techniques:

INSPIRED Business A New Vision for Building Business and Communities, Motivational Press

Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results, Sourcebooks

HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews, Career Press

Maylasia FM Interview – Download Now!

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