You Will Get the Sale!
Are you mentally set to get the sale or the job? Believe it or not your positive or negative thought will affect your outcome. So the better approach is to begin your review well before you are set to leave for your important appointment.
First be certain you hae absolutely everything you need to finalize getting hired or getting the sale. The paperwork, a nice pen, documentation, identification, and breath mints too.
Second, review all the steps leading up to how you got to this point in the sale cycle. What impressed the other party, why were they interested in moving forward, and what are the benefits you are bringing to the table? Did you take a last look at their website to have the necessary information fresh in your mind?
Lastly, wear favorite clothing, give yourself a last look over and practice a huge smile. As you travel to the site, think about the personal things previously shared with you. As a friendly conversation opener, ask how their child’s event went, their fundraiser or how their dog is feeling after visiting the vet. Once that is handled well, do a recap of why you are both sitting together and ask for final questions.
The “BIG” Close – not a close at all but the key to opening the door for additional sales. Simply ask, “Are you ready to get started?”
This should be a very Smooth Sale!
Read Addtional Strategies and Techniques:
Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results, Sourcebooks
HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews, Career Press