Some Days Are Better than Others!
Upon watching a television show where the lead star crashed in bed due to the horrible events in her life, I reminisced when i went through a similar situation. Sometimes it takes a day or two to crawl out of bed, shake oneself off to try, try again.
It’s the perseverance that makes the difference. In my case, I was badly treated upon initially announcing I was a Sales Trainer. Marketing materials advised I write a book. I did and it became an international best seller. The point is, I’m not bragging but rather pointing out that we all have the ability to turn our worst days into something wonderful.
However, this paragraph is proudly announcing today so far, is a Wonderful Day! First, I was told my answers to questions on how to best interview for a job hold a very different perspective from that of most career coaches. And then I was asked permission for a follow-up interview.
The proudest moment came upon finding my picture and name listed in the online CEO World Magazine as “One of the Brightest Sales Minds to Follow On Twitter”. (My handle is @smoothsale). Summing up, after all the heartache, hurdles, and personal question marks, this news made my day!
The moment I was introduced to Twitter, it caught my attention and continues to do so. If I need to be inspired, find a laugh or learn something new, I can find it in tweets of others. It’s also a way for me to share my insights for the benefit of others. I find the service to be reciprocity at it’s best. I don’t work for Twitter, but, for me it points to all the keywords for this blog – business development, mindset, personal brand, communication, relationships, clientele, sales and marketing, and sales by itself.
Continuing to do what you love in your chosen field, you will ultimately find the Smooth Sale!
Read Addtional Strategies and Techniques:
Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results, Sourcebooks
HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews, Career Press