#1 Reason Goals Stalemate
Have you ever been ultra excited about tackling a new project for personal, career or business development?
Suddenly the recognition is upon us that we need to get started, but then reality sets in as the next question becomes, “How and where do I begin?” All of a sudden the excitement converts into uncertainty and sometimes fear. In turn, we meet the dilemma with procrastination.
Procrastination is the enemy for achieving what you want. In order to move past this dilemma, break up your enormous project into manageable mini steps. It’s similar to the news media. There may be a huge news-breaking story, but it is broken up into sound-bites. Similarly, our communication recently transferred from email to texting, tweeting, and infographics.
The next time you find yourself stuck due to not knowing which way to turn, begin documenting everything needing implementation to develop your project and make it a success. Begin with the easiest steps first. You will feel momentum building as these are completed, and will then feel the desire to tackle the more complicated.
Along the way people will see you achieving so much more, In their mind, you will be seen as a leader in your field. The commitment to whichever track you are on will develop your personal brand and attract a far wider clientele.
Perseverance is a marketing and sales tool all onto itself and will lead you to the Smooth Sale!
Read Addtional Strategies and Techniques:
Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results, Sourcebooks
HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews, Career Press