Making Difficult Decisions

On occasion we each need to make hard decisions about career, friends or business.  The situation calls for backing out of some type of relationship, and the last thing any of us wants is to cut ties on a less than friendly basis.  Our reputation is at stake and could further affect career or business development should we part on a negative note.


The sales approach is to look at all perspectives such as what was promised, what carried through, and what didn’t quite measure up?  Where did expectations or goals fall short?  Are there personal factors standing in the way such as family or personal needs?

Next, take a look at the bigger picture.  What do you personally and ultimately wish to accomplish?  Is the current situation getting in your way of doing this?  Should the answer be yes, then seriously consider bowing out and do so without any feeling of guilt.  

Upon recognizing your answers to the above questions and commitment to priorities, develop a diplomatic short narrative of why it’s best for all concerned that you move on.  Understanding is the best outcome and will allow you to move forward.

We each have different needs and purpose, and by maintaining alignment with those, we move with integrity to further our business and career.  Upon doing so, we find the  Smooth Sale!

Read Addtional Strategies and Techniques:

Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results, Sourcebooks

HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews, Career Press

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