Generic eMail are Dangerous!

Generic email are a dangerous thing in terms of credibility when an error is made in regards to the recipients.  Today’s receipt of a generic email is the Perfect Example, and will not only produce a laugh but might make you cringe too!

“You qualify as a potential candidate for inclusion in our association of Male Executives, the largest network and exclusive alliance of male professionals in the country.”???

Do you believe the organization researched my website first, and by looking at my picture realized that I would be a perfect fit?  

The opposite of the above is to build a long-term clientele; this short video describes the important details:


The reason for the word “Dangerous” in the headline is due to exactly what I’m doing now – sharing the faux pas with you.  Generic email produces poor word of mouth, and online the bad press goes viral.  While I purposely omitted the name of the organization, others would not.

While it’s the longest route to build relationships with people, you find the most qualified to either become your next client, or obtain the better interview possibilities for your next job.  The added effort speaks to your personal brand and adds to credibility.

True business development is dependent upon those relationships that lead to the Smooth Sale!

Read Addtional Strategies and Techniques:

Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results, Sourcebooks

HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews, Career Press

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