Is Time Management Holding You Back?

Frequenly upon accepting a new job, new hires are over-whelemed with the documentation they are to read and on which they are to take action.  Direction is rarely provided as it is up to them to perform up to par.  Good advice was given particularly for those in sales:  Do the training in the early morning to refresh your memory, make calls late morning for appointments, and then meet with your clientele or familiarize yourself with the territory.

As an entrepreneur, similar time management is a good idea.  Develop a routine as much as possible.  It could be as simple as:  review email first thing and reply to those first that will advance your business; take on a special project for a specific amount of time that will advance your business; make appointments; follow-up with those interested and return to email to delete unwanted correspondence.  

And whenever possible connect by phone, video internet or in person to build a strong relationship with current and hope to be clients.  People buy from those they know, like and trust.  These methods empower the connection.

Following these guidelines will lead you to a Smooth  Sale!

Read Addtional Strategies and Techniques:

INSPIRED Business A New Vision for Building Business and Communities, Motivational Press

Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results, Sourcebooks

HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews, Career Press

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