Can Your Phone System Affect the Customer Service You Provide?

Guest Post by Andrew Lisa

Whether you’re a sole proprietor or the CEO of a global corporation, your phone system is the liaison between your customers and your business, as well as potential hiring managers. Your phone system – from the phone number you choose (local vs. toll free, vanity numbers, etc.) to your extra features, like call forwarding – says everything about you. If your customers can’t contact you, nothing else you do matters. Consider the following.

Your phone system speaks volumes about your business – go VoIP!


Voice over Internet protocol – or VoIP – systems are commonly known as Internet calling or web calling. By using the Internet as the medium, businesses alleviate the need for expensive, complicated hardware. These networks can be updated automatically through software and don’t require constant maintenance and upgrades.

Benefits of VoIP for Small Businesses

Small businesses flock to VoIP because – first and foremost – it is almost always cheaper than traditional networks. Just as importantly, it comes with a range of free features that would otherwise be expensive add-ons, not the least of these features is call forwarding. Call routing, as it’s sometimes called, allows small business owners or single proprietors to receive calls wherever they are. This is imperative for small operations that can’t afford to man call centers or hire receptionists.

Benefits of VoIP for Big Businesses

VoIP is crucial for big businesses because it is scaleable and customizable. This means that big businesses can expand or upgrade their VoIP system as their enterprise grows. When they add employees, they can simply add new “lines” – without actually adding new lines.

VoIP networks come with a range of free features that would otherwise cost a bundle.

The Public Switched Telephone Network – or PSTN – dominated business telephony since the phone went mainstream. But the arrival of the Internet – and web-based calling – ushered in a new era that allowed businesses of all sizes to install world-class phone networks. Consider VoIP no matter what your business does or how big it could possibly grow.

Andrew Lisa is a freelance telecom writer. He writes about business communication and profiles top web content sites such as

Following these suggestions will lead you to the Smooth Sale

Read Addtional Strategies and Techniques:

Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results, Sourcebooks

HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews, Career Press

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