by smoothsale | Oct 5, 2014 | Business Development, clients, Customer service, Marketing, Marketing and Sales, Sales
SMS Marketing Best Practices for the Most Efficient Campaign by Andrew Lisa SMS marketing is a direct, intimate route to new business. It’s more efficient, less expensive and requires far less technical prowess than other forms of new-media marketing like apps...
by smoothsale | Sep 25, 2014 | Business Development, career, clients, Entrepreneurs, Mindset, personal brand, Sales
Stopping Bad Habits Increases Momentum Like it or not, we each admittedly “may” have a bad habit or two that prevents us from doing as much business as we are truly capable. How is it possible to turn this around in order to gain more flexible...
by smoothsale | Sep 20, 2014 | Business Development, career, clients, communication, Customer service, Entrepreneurs, Interviews, job-seekers, Marketing and Sales, personal brand, Relationships, Sales
Client Shoes Deserve Polishing We are taught that to understand another, we should do our best to stand in their shoes. This has become a neglected effort by most, and is a strategy that deserves to be polished. As a reminder, on initial contact,...
by smoothsale | Sep 2, 2014 | Business Development, clients, communication, Customer service, job-seekers, personal brand, Sales
Observed errors teach valuable lessons 1. A college teacher revealed an ordeal and hard lesson he suffered through years ago. “Jason” had been talked into buying and selling diamonds. The structure of the group sounded as if it was a pre-cursor to...
by smoothsale | Aug 29, 2014 | Business Development, career, clients, Customer service, Entrepreneurs, Mindset, Relationships, Sales
Advocate for clients to see business blossom Have you ever had a problem in your home needing to be fixed but you were required to be away? So you find yourself dependent upon someone to fix your problem in your absence. The outcome could either be...
by smoothsale | Aug 28, 2014 | Business Development, clients, communication, Entrepreneurs, job-seekers, Mindset, personal brand, Sales
Decrease Response Time to Increase Sales What is your response time for when people make a request of you? Do you reply instantly, the same day, or wait until you “get around to it”? Another variable is that of indirect requests. How do...