Communication Strategies that Improve Results

Attract the Right Job or Clientele: Although there are many styles of communication, improved results may be seen by applying two strategies. The caution is not everyone will buy into their validity. Should you be a person who believes either of the two strategies is...

Why Sales Are Lost and What to Do

Attract the Right Job or Clientele: We all know that salespeople have a terrible reputation in spite of many admired leaders in the field. Three incidents took place last week.  The first demonstrates why people flee from salespeople.  The second story...

How Do You Rate for Versatility?

Attract the Right Job or Clientele: To better understand a range of perspectives we encounter every day, I’m asking you to imagine a straight line one inch in length. Now consider how many pinpoints one may make along the line. The possibilities are almost infinite,...

Build Referrals Fuel Sales

Attract the Right Job or Clientele: Most everyone craves receiving referrals, but only a small percentage of people are successful. Today’s blog examines the better ways to build your reputation and receive introductions for potential new business. Establish...

What Do You Think?

  Attract the Right Job or Clientele: The emphasis of the blog title is on the word, “You,” as we dissect the thought process. Is it frequent for others to ask your opinion on something? Or, more often do others to try to persuade you with their thought? As you...