What do Gladys and Customer Service have in common?
Everyone has a Gladys, as the book is written (see below) – you know, the woman who nags you about a coupon left at home; her friend got a better price; or one day after she is no longer entitled to return the product she bought from you, here she comes!
How do you come to terms with Gladys? Your policies will reflect a declining or thriving clientele.
I frequently suggest you analyze your rate of returns – customers vs goods or services. Do you have everything documented; are policies communicated succinctly; and are you taking a leadership role in seeing they are implement as suggested? Gladys can get confused and you need your messages to be marketed with precision.
Marketing is always the first step of the sales cycle. The process attracts prospects to your company and it is up to you to convert them into clients. Understanding your Gladys inside out will help enormously. Today I am promoting a book that speaks to this very subject because my mission is to help you GROW your business.
The question is, are you and your business ready for the arrival of the hypersensitive customer? If not, now is the time to examine your customer service practices and get them in line with the needs of today’s consumer.
There’s a new customer service book on stores shelves and online resellers that can help you manage this new breed of consumer. When you order “Who’s Your Gladys?” today, you get a special package of 40+ electronic bonus gifts in customer service, sales, marketing and professional development (including my special report Sales 101: How to relieve sales stress and Have fun selling!)
Buy your copy today at whosyourgladys You may watch the WYG book trailer here: youtube.com/whosyourgladys
When you have a solid customer service policy in place for all phases of business – you will find business to be a very Smooth Sale!