Take the “ME TIME” Challenge This Weekend!

This week a number of challenges hit my associates, prospects and clients which I wish to share with you:

– I’m not making any money but I feel guilty charging what I’m worth (money makes people evil)

– I have too many clients but not enough revenue

– I’m pulled in so many directions, I don’t have time to focus on what I like best

Should you be experiencing any of the above thoughts, you Must take a time-out. ? Re-examine why you went into business and ask yourself these questions:

– Am I accomplishing what I set out to do?

– Which aspects do I enjoy the most?

– What do I have to do to improve my situation?

One serious consideration to keep in mind is the thought pattern that if you make a lot of money you will become evil. ? My favorite example is that of Bill Gates. ? He had the notoriety of being the most wealthy person in the world. ? Did that make him evil? ? No it did not. ? Instead, he chose to use his wealth to educate children around the world – a very noble endeavor and quite the opposite!

Therefore it is possible for you to charge appropriate fees, make money so that you can lead a nice life and still feel good about it. ? When you work to serve others, you feel good about the value exchange (service in exchange for currency) and then you are in a better position to give back to communities at large. ? It becomes a win for everyone concerned.

With the positive thought in mind, contemplate the favorite pieces of your business. ? What can you do to expand upon them? ? By adding additional products and services you will attract more prospects, clients and sales. ? One of the better ways, I’ve learned is to write a book. ? It has become the new business card online and is one of the best ways to build credibility and attract attention.

Should you be interested, I teach a 5-part webinar series: “How to Write A Book and Sell More Copies Online”. ? There are two Open Calls on Sept. 28 and 29 for the October-November series. ? The uniqueness of the program is we include sales, marketing-communication and social media techniques to draw your audience in encouraging them to freely offer referrals and testimonials and enabling you to sell in greater quantity.

The most important part of your ME TIME is to seriously contemplate what you enjoy most. Then consider how you plan to move it further along in the coming years to always enjoy what you do and make enough money at it that affords you a nice lifestyle – without the guilt!

When you grasp this formula – you will know the true definition of a Smooth Sale!

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