Prioritize by Being True to Yourself

Sunset Sonata

This past week I attended a workshop.  My eyes opened wide when a few people said they travel for work close to 200 days per year.  Almost in the same breadth they confessed they have had several marriages.  But what struck me most was the fact one person said he has no idea what it takes to make a relationship last.

It’s amusing to me that these people train others on how to sell for a living.  I’m a sales trainer and the first thing I teach is the sale or the interview is not about you, it’s first about the other person and how well you are able to solve their problems.  You have to understand the other party’s point of view first.  Meanwhile, you need to build trust and confidence in you and find commonality.

The same is true in a marriage. If a partner is gone for an extended time, I could easily see the trust and commonality dwindling.  It’s a recipe for disaster.  Then it hit me.  If these people were truly concerned about a long lasting marriage or if you are concerned about partners in business, you need to prioritize what will be best for you and the others involved.  Is it more important to travel or have the relationship; more important to collaborate to ease the loneliness of entrepreneurship or have the right partners in place prior to collaborating?

Whether you are trying to attract the right job, prospect, or more clients – you must prioritize the order of importance including extenuating circumstances.  What will help you grow personally and professionally?  How will you communicate you are a leader in the community and an expert in your field?  What do you need in place for business development to succeed?

When you are true to who you are by prioritizing what you truly desire, you will enjoy the Smooth Sale!

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