Negotiation:  No News is Good News!

James, I think your cover´s blown!

When you are ready to make a sale and questions arise about what’s included in the package, or you receive a job offer letter after a fabulous interview, there is a holding period of time that can be very nerve wracking.  Job seekers and entrepreneurs are usually the most affected because they do not negotiate on a regular basis so some become very stressed out.

Maintaining your brand which includes professionalism and composure, plus attention to customer service and building relationships must always be kept in check.  When you are stressed, this is close to impossible.  Your voice, face and writing must all reflect you are in control and will work professionally to the satisfactory conclusion of all concerned.

Be aware that once a job offer is given it’s usually at the lowest possible compensation the company believes it can get away with to still hold your interest.  It is expected that you will not jump at the offer but negotiate.  Likewise companies will want to secure your services at the lowest available pricing.  They get away with this ONLY if you allow them to.

Sometimes there may be 2-3 go-rounds of negotiation.  You have to hang tight.  Leave your emotions at the door; instead use your analytical capability of what the company needs, wants and deep down desires. Upon receipt of a low-ball offer, remind the hiring company in a friendly tone of the benefits you bring with you.   Add you are excited about the opportunity and finding a way to move forward together. Nothing more.  

Most importantly you must understand that if this is for a job, your contact needs to get on the same page with the V.P. in charge of the department and the head of H.R.   Schedules need to be coordinated to revise the offer.  This can take a couple of weeks.  If they were to turn you down, “NO” would be immediate.   

Stress Reduction Tips:

1.  Plan a fun weekend with friends

2.  Adapt a positive mindset knowing that “No news is good news!”

3.  Ask someone you love for a hug!

The hug immediately reduces tension and allows you and your nerves to get back on track.  Mentally review all the things you did right.  By the time it’s your turn to check in to say you are excited about the opportunity, you will sound relaxed and professional.  Most importantly you will be communicating you expect a solid offer and that the company will step up to the plate and deliver.  You will soon hear “Yes” or HIRED!

In this manner, you will be headed for a great job and a Smooth Sale!

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