Build Credibility for Your Business by Becoming a Published Author

by Susan Daffron


Publishing a book is one of the best things you can do to establish yourself as an authority in your field. Having your own book sets you apart from all those other people in your industry who have not written a book.

In today’s competitive marketplace, being a book author is an excellent way to differentiate yourself. In fact, having your own book does three important things for you and your business.

·  Positions You As An Expert

·  Opens PR Opportunities

·  Becomes a Business Marketing Tool

Writing a book forces you to learn more than the average person about a given topic and then explain it clearly. When you do it right, writing a book on a subject positions you as an expert. Potential clients seek you out because they figure you must know what you’re talking about if you’re able to write an entire book about the subject.

Because being a published book author brands you as an expert, you are more likely to be quoted in the media. Have you ever noticed in newspapers or magazines how often the words, “author of” follow a quote from an expert source? Or how many authors you hear on talk radio? The media needs sources, and as a business owner you want publicity, so it’s a win-win situation.

If you want to get on the public speaking circuit, having your own book also makes it far easier to book speaking engagements. It’s no accident that most savvy public speakers are also book authors.

In a Rain Today study, 56% of authors reported that their book had a “strong” or “very strong” influence on their ability to generate leads for their services.

When you have a book, your message reaches a larger audience and attracts new clients. When big Web sites like and carry your books, a wide range of people are exposed to your name and your message. These are people that would probably not hear about you any other way.

A book also works as a great gift for prospects and clients. You can use your book to educate your customers and prove your expertise. 

Being a published book author gives you a level of credibility like almost nothing else. A well-written, book sells your business, and your business sells your book too!

If you’d like to learn more about book publishing, get inspiration and advice at the Third Annual Self-Publishers Online Conference,  May 10-12, 2011 . Use the code SmoothSale11 to get 10% off your registration.  We have an incredible lineup of speakers including Elinor Stutz to provide you advice and know-how of everything you need to know about writing and marketing your book.


Susan Daffron, aka The Book Consultant ( owns a book and software publishing company. She spends most of her time writing, laying out books in InDesign, or taking her five dogs out for romps in the forest. She also teaches people how to write and publish profitable client-attracting books and puts on the Self-Publishers Online conference ( every May.


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