Generosity Attracts More Sales!
The top secrets to attracting more prospects, clients and sales include:
1. Building relationships
2. Sincerely working to help others
3. Showing appreciation for help you receive
Today was one of those wondrous days. Three of us belong to the Whispering Energy Collaboration. Through the past year we got to know each other’s businesses and truly enjoy one another. Without knowing it, the three of us almost simultaneously sent the same email message to one another. The email read, “My jaw dropped down and my mouth was wide open when…”
I sent my two friends video heartfelt testimonials for the work they do. Aricia LaFrance is a psychotherapist plus works with clients on the psychology of marketing. Her email to me stated, “Your book, Nice Girls DO Get the Sale is required reading for my clients!” This was the point where I became speechless for a long moment taking it in. Tremendous generosity and credibility were extended to me by Aricia.
Sharon Hooper and I will be partnering on our ebook program for a complete package for aspiring authors. Her wisdom and humor and wonderful and so I sent her a video testimonial too. Without knowing of my communication with Aricia, she sent the identical email to me.
By generously offering help and providing referrals and testimonials without being asked, you will soon find the bond of friendship in addition to business. As appreciation pours forth so do good word of mouth and further business from the people your friends know. You are spreading a marketing-communication message that you are a great collaborator and one whom others should seriously consider.
When your mindset is focused on helping others, you delight in the pleasure of a very Smooth Sale!