Reach Your Goal by Helping the Team
Salespeople tend to operate in their own personal zone. Much of the reaosn is the competitive nature of being in an office where everyone wants to achieve recognition by selling more than anyone else on the team.
But imagine, either as a salesperson or entrepreneur, what you are selling has little recognition and the value is not well understood. How do you proceed?
Consider collaborating with teammates and competitors. It’s a highly unusual idea but consider combining forces to create articles, blogs, and mini posts on what the service offers your intended clientele. How many more people do you believe you will reach? It is the extended reach that gets the attention of many. There will be enough business to go around and everyone wins. And after all, this is the model for the ideal sale where everyone wins.
Offer your services for getting the ball rolling. Create a campaign that will turn heads. You just might find future joint venture partners and friends in the proces. The same principle holds true for job seekers. By combining forces with others seeking work, your approach to securing interviews will take a creative spin working in your favor.
By being of the mindset to collaborate, you not only take the leadership position but also witness greatly improved results. That which you are after will soon seem as if it were all along a Smooth Sale!
Read Addtional Strategies and Techniques:
Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results, Sourcebooks
HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews, Career Press