Do you analyze before taking action?
It came to my attention that one particular group experienced a problem with a long-time member, let’s call her Alice. ? A number of participants in the group gave money to Alice to provide marketing expertise. ? The discord came when Alice accepted the last round of pre-payment and then experienced a personal breakdown. Those who gave her money are threatening legal action.
The question of action may be seen from two opposing viewpoints: ? Does one take this to court because money is owed and services not performed, or, does one allow the person with the breakdown a timeout period to heal?
My opinion is the money is little in comparison to the damage a lawsuit would or could do when taken against such a fragile person. ? I would personally just write off the money owed; it was under $1,000 for each party.
Coincidentally, on the sidewalk in D.C. I noticed a tile attributing the following quote to Martin Luther King:
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort or convenience, but where he stands in times of challenge and control. ? The true neighbor will risk his position, his prestige and even his life for the welfare of others.”
I believe the group should let Alice heal and help her heart mend. ? When you use this philosophy in business dealings, you will have an easier time developing new business and attracting more prospects and clients,? and ultimately increased revenue. ? Your marketing message is that although you are in business you also have a heart and understand the power of relationships. ? The bottom line is important, but how you impact it is even more important, in my opinion. ? When you are respectful of others and always move with integrity, you will move forward enjoying the Smooth Sale!