Do you freely offer help?
As you become known for offering help without expecting something in return, people will obviously take you up on your expertise. It is true, some will take advantage. But overall, most will be appreciative and remember your generosity. When you are in need, you will be repaid in kind.
However, the underlying marketing-communication messages are not only that you are generous with your time and subject matter, but that you are an expert in your field. You become the go-to person when a challenge arises. Without trying you begin to attract more sales from those you previously helped and everyone they know.
This is true too for interviewing. On some occasions you will be asked to give input on a problem. This boils down to free advice without necessarily getting the job. Another example is when you hear of projects underway at the company, ask questions relating to ideas you think might be helpful. Phrase it such as, “Have you thought about…?”
You may well become the candidate who hears HIRED!
As an entrepreneur, you can easily make introductions for others, give free advice, or offer a helping hand. You will find this mindset in place helps to further build relationships as well as develop repeat business, referrals and testimonials. Freely helping others brings about a very Smooth Sale!