Supporting others brings satisfaction and attracts more sales!

Over the year, I grew to know and admire Aricia LaFrance, Author, Speaker and so many more incredible titles – you would think she is 100 years old. Not only is she gifted, she is a well-grounded and giving person. Upon my first opportunity to meet her in person, I asked “What time?”

It was only this week I learned Ms. LaFrance is speaking at the National Career Development Assn. Conference. Serendipity came into play. The very same day, I learned my new book, HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews is up for pre-sale on Amazon.

Having the mindset of supporting my friend and readily agreeing to meet her in-person to further our relationship turned into a new business opportunity as well. I too will be attending the conference in San Francisco seeking to make excellent connections in regard to my upcoming book. When you take the leadership role of helping others first, your marketing message is heard and opportunity comes back your way. This is true for attracting anything you want including new prospects and clients.

Once again this is an example of business development without trying and the potential of many a Smooth Sale!

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