Are you scrutinizing posts?

The topic about postings on the internet arose 4 different times in 2 days – none of which were motivating:

1. People will post “anything” without thinking how it hurts the other person

2. Stolen articles posted as those of someone else

3. Confirmation that articles are stolen

4. Suggestion to review what your competition posts and keep files

Actually none of this sits well with me. I used to have a lot more fight within but now I am concentrating on trying to do the right thing. It would be great to get your input on these 4 points. Here is mine:

Today I found someone questioning whether I had the credentials to teach a class and ask for the fee as posted. The woman could have easily visited my website to see that Yes, in fact I have the experience and know-how to support my new venture of teaching “How to Write an eBook and Sell More Copies Online.” I responded at first and then deleted my comment.

Two email came over today from friends stating their articles were kidnapped. My understanding is all written material is automatically copyrighted. They were going to mount a campaign against the villain. My advice was to consult with someone who specializes in this area to find the best way to proceed to protect their work and not waste precious energy. Proceeding in a professional manner outweighs revenge.

My take on knowing your competition and keeping files – that is the old fear-based and scarcity mentality. I don’t have time for all of that. It’s far better to know yourself, hold your integrity, be of the mindset to deliver incredible value, and through your marketing-communications tell the world who you are. This is the better way to attract prospects and clients and be seen as a leader and expert in your field.

Yes, by all means build in business protection – we know it’s a necessity while being thoughtful should you need to respond. At the same time, focus on what you wish to achieve and your plan of action – you will move forward more quickly and enjoy a Smooth Sale!

P.S. Tonight is Our Open Call (no Fee) “How to Write An eBook and Sell More Copies Online”
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