How do you handle difficult situations?
This was a tough week for many in facing dilemmas of how to respond on the following:
1. Articles copied and published as those of someone else
2. A book sold on a reputable site for 10x the stated price
3. Postings on social media challenging another’s integrity
Some are of the mindset to mount a campaign against the perpetrator to take revenge. My style is always to build and maintain relationships. So I proceed with caution and go directly to the source to ask their intention.
I advise to take a firm stand as a leader but be certain not to burn unnecessary bridges. Before you accuse, ask questions. Getting satisfaction is equivalent to making a sale. You need to know the thinking of the other party before you can accurately pinpoint the best action to take or present your best offering. Only after hearing their explanation and having the facts do I share how I view the situation. It’s protection against a potential huge misunderstanding. On the other hand, when the offense is blatant such as using a popular book title as one’s own and blatantly stealing the works of others – it would be wise to seek counsel.
How you handle your hurdle is a part of your marketing-communication strategy and must tie in well to the brand you developed. Others watch your every move so lead with expertise to always attract new prospects, clients and continued sales.
Consistency is key for continued business development even when you face a pothole in the road. Remaining calm, collected and taking the right action will help you maintain a Smooth Sale!
P.S. Replay link for Open Call eBook Class below:
For anyone “somewhat interested” in the content of my eBook Webinar series, you will find the replay Open Call link below. You will hear collaboration is key for any endeavor. A good friend very knowledgeable about publishing stepped in while I dealt with technical difficulty at the beginning. I made up for it by delivering a lot of need to know information should you be considering writing your book!