An Inconvenient Circumstance – How do you Handle?

Through the years, I have witnessed highly successful seminar leaders, speakers, and workshop providers attract less than stellar turnouts. ? The reasons are many and are cited as change of date, poor publicity, disenchanted help or poor economy. ? The fact that known individuals experience the same problem as less known individuals is well worth noting in case you are thinking it’s “just you.” ? Take solace in the fact this occasionally happens to everyone. ? However, how you handle the situation will distinguish you and the perception of you.

Some of these noted figures will cancel a program because it is not worth their time if it is not meeting their financial expectations. ? Some will deliver material proportionate to the turnout – 1/3 of the expected crowd earns 1/3 of the allotted time. ? Only a small percentage will host as originally promoted. ? From a strictly financial pictures this is understandable. ? But what is the toll on your business for not considering your dedicated clientele?

In my opinion, you must consider your loyal clientele first. ? It’s a matter of keeping your promises and your integrity. ? Your marketing-message should be that you care in order to continue to earn repeat business, referrals and testimonials from these folks. ? If you do cut the time spent with those who show, you owe it to them to refund a portion of the event ticket. ? It’s very inconsiderate and unfair to punish those who do take the time to show up on your behalf.

If your event requires travel, unless you can cancel well ahead of time to help your clientele avoid unnecessary travel expense, I believe you are obligated to carry through on your promise. ? When you cancel last minute, your mindset is focused solely on you not on those who support you.

Learn from the experience of the poor turnout as to what you may do differently the next time. ? Most importantly, focus your mindset on the well-being of your prospects and clients and build those relationships. ? This is the only way to build good word of mouth and reputation as it is a reflection of your customer service policies and you the leader.

Your loyalty to your clientele is what enables your business development and many a future? Smooth Sale!

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