4 Strategies to Manage Time Effectively
Yesterday I had the privilege of sharing my time saving strategies with a productivity expert, Cathy Sexton, for her listeners. Given she loved the tips and some were new to her, I’m sharing these today. As you read, these apply both to seeking a job and entrepreneurship.
1. Be of the mindset to envision your ultimate goal at all times. When your largest vision is carried with you in heart and mind, it has a far better chance of being achieved. You communicate accordingly and begin to attract larger audiences to your endeavors. Opportunities begin to flow.
2. Dialy business vitamins. Two tasks relating to your long-term vision should be implemented every single working day. Your business becomes stronger and again, others take note.
3. Point your day for success. Create a system for what the most efficient person you can think of might accomplish in a day. Topics might include, new phone calls, follow-up calls and email, social media, in-person meetings, networking, discussions online. The list is lengthy, so adhere to the venues you enjoy most. More will be accomplished each and every day.
4. Maintain a running task list. Always have a list to check off as you accomplish time-consuming as well as tiny tasks. This prevents “forgetting” what’s next or has to be done, and Eliminates Much Wasted Time. The end of each working week, list what needs to be done the following week. Given new situations arise, at the end of each working day list what needs to be accomplished the following day.
These tips will have lead to larger and quicker accomplishments as well as the Smooth Sale!
Read Addtional Strategies and Techniques:
Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results, Sourcebooks
HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews, Career Press