Growing Orchids is similar to Business Development

Everyone has an opinion as to how orchids should be grown and cared for to have them regenerate blossoms year after year.  According to “everyone” I am incompetent caring for my orchid. Luckily the end goal is to have the orchid bloom annually, and I’m able to achieve that.

So how does this apply to business?  


We each have a different style for building business, communicating with others, as well as delivering services.  Our style is known as our personal brand.  It is our personal brand, when well-defined and developed consistently, that delivers an underlying marketing message we should be taken seriously. It attracts the attention we seek  from our intended prospective clientele. For job seekers, that underlying marketing message attracts the right recruiters for the better matched career opportunities available.

It is your authenticity and willingness to go down an untravelled path that will lead you to discovery and greater accomplishment.  Keep studying, researching and take time to consider new alternative ideas that complement what you already have in place.  You will move far more quickly and further than “everyone else”.  And, you will then happily find the Smooth Sale!

Read Addtional Strategies and Techniques:

Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results, Sourcebooks

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