Getting Agreement

All meetings, with clients or with your manager, require a meeting of minds.  Some refer to this as negotiation.  But a non-threatening perspective is to view it as gaining agreement to move forward on a positive note.

One of the critical components is to set expectations upon hearing what the other party has in mind for an outcome upon working with you.  Clients want to know what you will provide and how you will uniquely deliver as opposed to your competition.  They also want to know the benefits of working with you, and how you will be delivering an outstanding service.

Management wants to know you will not only do your job but do it beyond expectations.  However, if you are new on the job, learnig may be a slower process for you than for others.  Set the expectation that while you may be slow out of the gate, explain why it is to their benefit that you do the learning upfront in order to excel down the road.  Two things happen when you honestly portray how you learn:  Management gives you leeway eliminating extra pressure and they now have insight on how to better manage you.

In both cases, you do come to a meeting of the minds, and find a satisfactory conclusion that leads to a win for all – and a very Smooth Sale!

For more on sales and leadership, attend our Las Vegas Retreat to fast track business, click here:     Make Your Vision a Reality

Read Addtional Strategies and Techniques:

Just announced:  My new book will be featured at the Beijing Book Fair: 
INSPIRED Business A New Vision for Building Business and Communities, Motivational Press

Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results, Sourcebooks

HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews, Career Press

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