by smoothsale | Sep 3, 2014 | Business Development, career, communication, Entrepreneurs, Interviews, job-seekers, Marketing and Sales, Mindset, personal brand, Relationships, Sales
Meeting and interview recommendations A radio station, KFI AM, in Los Angeles, read an hilarious report of foolish actions people took during thousands of interviews. These pointers apply to traditional meetings too. Their report was obtained from an...
by smoothsale | Sep 2, 2014 | Business Development, clients, communication, Customer service, job-seekers, personal brand, Sales
Observed errors teach valuable lessons 1. A college teacher revealed an ordeal and hard lesson he suffered through years ago. “Jason” had been talked into buying and selling diamonds. The structure of the group sounded as if it was a pre-cursor to...
by smoothsale | Sep 1, 2014 | Business Development, career, clientele, communication, Entrepreneurs, job-seekers, Sales
Forget blame to achieve goals Let’s face it, obstacles frequently pop up preventing the ease of achieving what we are after. How those obstacles are handled, particularly in communication with others, will have a great influence on your outcome....
by smoothsale | Aug 31, 2014 | Business Development, career, clientele, closing, communication, Entrepreneurs, Interviews, job-seekers, Mindset, Relationships, Sales
Insights shared increase sales forthcoming feedback! [youtube][/youtube] When you are about to change your mind about something or embark upon a new direction for business, don’t stop at announcing your decision, but explain “the...
by smoothsale | Aug 30, 2014 | Business Development, career, clientele, communication, Entrepreneurs, Interviews, job-seekers, Relationships, Sales
Ask to increase knowledge and sales Are you concerned about not knowing everything you should, and is that keeping you from moving further ahead or even succeeding? Thrown into the sales world long ago, without having sold, and without proper training, my way...
by smoothsale | Aug 28, 2014 | Business Development, clients, communication, Entrepreneurs, job-seekers, Mindset, personal brand, Sales
Decrease Response Time to Increase Sales What is your response time for when people make a request of you? Do you reply instantly, the same day, or wait until you “get around to it”? Another variable is that of indirect requests. How do...