Nice Leads Way to Effective Timeline

Attract the Right Job or Clientele:  With a sense of humor today, I wrote to a colleague that being seen as nice is my cover. Showing respect and understanding of everyone I meet always prove to be the better strategies for business development and referrals....

Change Your Delivery to Improve Your Outcome

Attract the Right Job or Clientele:  Change Your Delivery to Improve Your Outcome We receive so many messages and email that it becomes overwhelming at times. Even worse is when we find those messages to be annoying. Communicate from your prospect’s point of...

What Are You Communicating On Auto-Pilot?

Attract The Right Job or Clientele:  What Are You Communicating On Auto-Pilot? We all know that there is a continued need to examine our strategies to tweak and improve upon them. Social media laid out so many benefits for us that I found the original...

How to Engage Your Audience

Attract the Right Job or Clientele: The enjoyment of storytelling is universal. For example, in a down economy, the movie industry is known to do very well because people need a momentary escape from reality. Speakers who tell entertaining stories from the stage...

Your Personal Style Is Far More Likely to Lead to Success

Attract the Right Job Or Clientele: In childhood and teen years our being different can be a humiliating experience. But those who can get past that hurdle and into adulthood have much to look forward. The end game reveals that being different is to our advantage. We...