Whom do you trust?
Years ago, the posed question was the title of a television show and made for great entertainment. This morning, while interviewed on Lara Galloway’s blogtalk radio show, MomBizCoach. Lara mentioned that is vital for businesspeople to trust themselves. I whole-heartedly agreed with her that this is one of the biggest roadblocks for entrepreneurial success.
Frequently we find that entrepreneurs have great ideas. They excitedly tell their friends and associates about their new plan only to hear, “That will never fly!” At this point, the downward spiral begins. The negative self-talk and doubt creep into the businessperson’s head, feet drag and sure enough the idea never gets off the ground.
Being in business is about taking calculated risks. When you hear a negative comment, ask the other person why they believe that. It’s time for a mindset switch to questioning rather than accepting everyone’s input. Check for merit in their belief. Is there some truth but with tweaking you can improve upon the idea? Or is it they just don’t want you to succeed? Analytical skills will come in very handy here.
Even if it’s a 50-50 chance for success, I would go with it if your intuition tells you to do so. You never know unless you try and you will live without regret. Should you succeed, imagine how happy you will be!
Trying new projects is one of the keys to entrepreneurial success. You attract additional markets making business development easier over time. Communicating new ideas will make you appear as an expert and leader in your field and will serve to help you build new and better relationships with prospects and clients. When this occurs you will close more sales. It all leads back to Lara Galloway’s comment to “Trust Yourself.” This strategy makes for a Smooth Sale!