Do You Have An Unusual Idea?
Do You Have An Unusual Idea?…In the early ’90s, I gave a speech to about 300 businesswomen, entitled “How to Manage Your Time for Success.” (not the most unusual topic, but a trendy one.) After the talk, I handed out a simple…
Do Your Communications Increase Interest?
Do Your Communications Increase Interest?…Many questions exist surrounding how we communicate. Think back to your days of old in-person networking events. Did people ask to speak with you, listen carefully, and ask questions, or were you ignored?
Why 15 Inspiring Female Leaders Are Inspired to Lead
21 Female Sales Leaders Give Their Inspiring Insights To Lead…I started Scale Your Sales Podcast because I was tired of hearing from men in sales and words like crushing and killing sales. I do not know about you, but I do not want bullies pressuring me into buying. I wanted to hear more from women’s voices and share their insights to lead.
Are You Motivated To Do More?
Are You Motivated To Do More? The celebration is over but are we motivated to do more? 2021 Women’s International Day appears to have been a historic day. Women globally united together to make a more significant…
Do You Want 3 Tips to Help Small Businesses Succeed?
Today’s helpful business blog, Do You Want 3 Tips to Help Small Businesses Succeed in 2021? is provided by ‘Anonymous.’ With the trials and tribulations of last year, many smaller businesses are focused on ways they can make 2021 more successful than its predecessor. Although,
Do You Unknowingly Contribute To The Downward Momentum?
Do You Unknowingly Contribute To The Downward Momentum?…Upon researching seemingly sound offers upfront, I question whether those providing the offer know that they contribute to the downward momentum. I am referring to the long-held inequities…
Do You Take The High Road To The Bottom Line?
Do You Take The High Road To The Bottom Line? …you can’t prepare for every possible eventuality at the beginning of a project. For most things, you just have to get started and figure it out as you go…
Do You Follow Or Lead?
Do You Follow Or Lead?…As we attempt to advance our careers, the decision to follow or lead becomes the essential question for us to answer. During our formative years, the decision boils down to whether we would rather be popular for the moment, part of the crowd, or an outcast. The next question for us to ponder is the level of importance each possibility holds. Those willing…
Do You Use Discipline To Make Your Dreams Come True?
Do You Use Discipline to Make Your Dreams Come True?…To reach your goals, this is a vital step. To determine where you need to implement more discipline into your life, consider the following,,,
Do You Learn From Every Situation?
Do You Learn From Every Situation?…We can quickly learn from every situation, albeit experts, business news, and sports victories. It’s wise to include athletic champions because they amp up their motivation to win against all odds. Webinars, Podcasts, and Articles are…
Do You Want Ideas To Increase Sales?
Do You Want To Increase Sales?…A beautiful, performance-driven website that’s responsive and intuitive to use is paramount to increase sales and business success. Your website is the face of your brand in the online world, and it’s your portfolio, your social proof…
How Do You Influence Buyers?
How Do You Influence Buyers?…After the long haul of learning how to sell, the need to understand how you influence buyers was next in line. It took a while to grasp that influence is an essential part of the equation. And just like successful selling, influence…
Do You Know Why Cross-Cultural Adaptability Matters?
Do You Know Why Cross-Cultural Adaptability Matters?…As I discovered my passion for traveling and began getting on more and more flights, I realized something significant. While we all have the same basic needs in life, we have different ways of getting them fulfilled. Our culture dictates
Do You Want To Be A Person Of Influence?
Do You Want To Be A Person Of Influence?…Today’s content lays out the transition as I ‘accidentally’ grew into becoming a person of influence. An official announcement will be forthcoming. Visit to see my latest…
Do You Acknowledge Necessary Improvement
Do You Acknowledge Necessary Improvement…Today’s question is, do you acknowledge necessary improvement? Sometimes it’s difficult to accept that change is in order. The challenge is that once we find a routine that works well, we attach ourselves to it. Time efficiency…
Do You Feel Obsolete?
Do You Feel Obsolete?…As you advance in your career and new technology takes control, the question arises, do you feel obsolete? The question I ask does not relate to age as it does to remaining up to date with our specialties. Age is just a number. It is as easy to be out of date at age 50 as it is in later decades. How we choose
How Do You Handle Productivity Issues?
How Do You Handle Productivity Issues?…How we handle productivity issues almost forecasts our likelihood for future success. Worse, businesspeople have a difficult time dealing with stress that will negatively impact productivity. It becomes difficult…
Are You Willing To Fail?
Are You Willing To Fail?… December 2005 was a defining moment for me. After 17 years of working at a job I loved, Merck Frosst Canada laid off one-third of its workforce, and I was one of them. Even though I knew it had nothing to do with my performance. I had excellent performance evaluations every single year, but it still hurt. For some reason…