You CAN Contribute to Change

Attract the Right Job or Clientele Change is a constant, and so it is possible to revise the perception of salespeople and the way in which management treats them. The lack of respect, integrity (in some companies), and unequal treatment among genders, has one...

How Do You Conduct Meetings?

Attract the Right Job or Clientele: Have you ever been in meetings where someone backs away by essentially saying ‘that’s not my job’ although it is? Taking responsibility for areas related to your job is essential for maintaining credibility. At the very least, offer...

Could Your Response Style Use Tweaking?

Attract the Right Job or Clientele: Our communication affects all stages of the sales cycle and also includes the final stage for getting hired.  One of the more critical areas for getting to ‘Yes!’ is in our Response Style. A response may be an answer to a...