Change Your Delivery to Improve Your Outcome

Attract the Right Job or Clientele:  Change Your Delivery to Improve Your Outcome We receive so many messages and email that it becomes overwhelming at times. Even worse is when we find those messages to be annoying. Communicate from your prospect’s point of...

How Do You Value Possibilities?

Attract the Right Job or Clientele:  How Do You Value Possibilities? The word, possibility, has a variety of meanings as they apply to our endeavors. For some, it could refer to the law of attraction. For salespeople, the idea of possibility refers to their...

What Are You Communicating On Auto-Pilot?

Attract The Right Job or Clientele:  What Are You Communicating On Auto-Pilot? We all know that there is a continued need to examine our strategies to tweak and improve upon them. Social media laid out so many benefits for us that I found the original...

Do You Dread Reaching Out to New Contacts?

Attract the Right Job or Clientele  Today’s Guest Post is provided by Brian O’Neal, Sales Empowerment Group Small business owners often double as the primary salesperson of their companies, a position that they regularly don’t have much experience or...