After “Thank You” this is the next best sales tool…
Long ago a sales manager said to me, “Sometimes you have to fall on your sword.” He was referring to saying the words, “I’m sorry; My error; My apology.” For many, and I’m one who had to learn, these words are difficult. But I quickly realized he was right.
Forgiveness comes far more quickly when you are the one to apologize whether on interviews, selling or in your personal relationships. The concept is universal.
For example, when hoping to land that seemingly perfect job you accidentally provide an incorrect response to a question, you can easily recover by saying,
“Oh I’m sorry I misinterpreted your question, please let me try again.”
Your sincerity will swiftly come across to the hiring manager and will provide you with a second opportunity to respond. In fact this may actually work to your benefit given your honesty and sincerity are eloquently displayed.
In my corporate days, I had to frequently apologize to prospects for having to re-arrange meetings due to unexpected corporate meetings, and to clients for poor service delivery beyond my control. The fact I stepped up to apologize made me different from most everyone else; accordingly my sales continued to pour in. In fact this technique Increased my sales volume providing me with repeat business, referrals and testimonials.
And of course, on occasion, we all have arguments at home – a swift apology for minor infractions straightens everything out. Apologizing is relationship building and business development at their best.
In business it actually makes you seen as a leader because it takes great confidence to admit to an error and have the frame of mind to not flee but move the conversation forward. You also deliver the marketing-communication message that you care and thus imply your customer service policies are impeccable.
By saying you are sorry, you close and attract more sales – and – enjoy the Smooth Sale!