Timing is Everything for Negotiating A Salary or A Service Package


When people most unexpectedly approach me for money, it is as if nails were screeched across a blackboard.

One of the reasons I was so successful in corporate sales is I never hid anything when it came to money.  Upon making a clear case as to the benefits of hiring or purchasing from you, your worth should be very clear to the other party.

Of course we all know when it comes to job placement, we are almost never paid our worth.  Therefore negotiation comes into play regarding the entire package being offered.  You must once again review your three lists:  must have, absolutely do not want, and negotiable.  And for sales, a disclaimer right up front about you not being the cheapest option followed by asking whether it is price or service that is of most importance will give you the buy in for deepening the conversation.  This level of confidence establishes your authority and leadership in the field.

When people hide the topic of price, I feel less trusting. In fact, I’m inclined not to do business when this occurs.  This type of reaction popped up today upon my being asked to contribute big dollars to a project for which I was about to contribute my expertise.  We had been communicating for a month prior with no hint of their wanting money from me.  It was only after a long conversation that the other party put in their request and made it sound like an obligation.  I diplomatically shared my sales insight on the matter and declined the “opportunity”.  For me it smacked of deceit.

Should you be in need of funds, your best route is to approach your prospect or client with a cheerful smile in your voice and simply state, “The reason I am contacting you today is…” Honesty is always the best policy.

When you approach others such as hiring managers, prospects and clients with the mindset of grace and dignity, you encourage repeat business, referrals and testimonials plus the help you need.  Now your marketing message becomes you are trustworthy and builds the confidence in you.  This is what makes for a very Smooth Sale!

For more information on relationship selling, read:  Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results, an international best seller.

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