The Right Question Will Provide the Right Answer!
Frequently I speak of the poor selling style consisting of the salesperson talking to the point where the prospect cannot get a word in at all. I equate this to: selling + talking = stalking!
In today’s online environment, we have a new form of stalking and that is an over-abundance of email from the same party. Recently I registered for a service. The next thing I knew I was receiving at least 12 email a day from the one service.
In order for anyone to advance, whether searching for Job Interview or a new prospect, you must be conscious of time management techniques to remain focused on the bigger projects in front of you. Wrestling with answering every email is impossible.
My mantra is to begin every communication from the other person’s point of view. To do this you must put yourself in their shoes. So now imagine you are the receiver of a zillion email. Isn’t it possible, for time management sake, you would delete all of those unwanted messages without ever opening them?
What can you do to cut down the quantity and improve the quality of each email? This is vitally important so that when your email is received it won’t simply be deleted without ever opening.
The right question to avoid all of this nonsense is to ask the other person “How would you like to be contacted, when and how frequently?” When they respond, you have permission to send – it’s that easy! Your marketing communication message is you are respectful of the other party with leadership quality, and the ray of hope you serve your clientele well. In turn this will encourage trust and further dialogue. Best of all, you will have a far easier chance of converting your prospect to a client.
Relationship building and selling is what turns your business development into a very Smooth Sale!