Serve communities – Serve yourself
During my corporate sales life I was motivated year after year to interview. The top producer’s reward is to have their territory cut in half and their quota doubled or tripled. I quickly realized the interviewing process followed the sales cycle – for both of which I have a knack.
Upon becoming a new entrepreneur, community service was incorporated into my business plan. Consistently I spoke to groups of job seekers on how to sell themselves on interviews. Invariably they wrote back the techniques worked and they landed the job they desired.
Two years ago, my friend Christine LeMay suggested she and I put on a Career and Business Development Fair to get known in our new town. We decided attendance would be at no charge because we were truly helping the unemployed. However, we would at the very least cover costs obtaining vendors and sponsors. The local cable channel provided free non-stop advertising, the Argus Courier wrote a front page article on the Living section and the Mayor whom neither of knew provided Opening Remarks. We attracted 200 very grateful attendees.
Using the story as an example of what community service can do for those less fortunate and you the entrepreneur, I realized it was time to write the book. Career Press immediately picked up my manuscript and together we named it, HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques To Sell Yourself On Interviews.
Once again because of the community service commitment behind it, the book was profitable before going into print. FedExKinko’s purchased a large quantity upfront for their new in-store book kiosks. I’m honored to have my book sitting on the same rack as household name books such as The Secret.
Multiplying the benefits of community service, a new venue was created to teach HIRED! Webinars. The picture above was taken at the San Diego State University college bookstore. Mr. Lubic helped place it there and then took the picture and sent it to me – quite a gentleman and good friend. March 5, I will be providing a half-day HIRED! course at Santa Rosa Junior College for both students and the community. All attendees will receive a workbook and copy of the actual book.
Building relationships with everyone you meet plus working to help individuals and communities at large is your business development on a grander scale. The marketing-communication piece takes hold for you. As you work to help others they in turn work to help you and new ideas are born.
The point is when you serve your communities you can’t help but serve your business thereby attracting more prospects, clients, sales or the right job. Seemingly without trying it becomes a very Smooth Sale!