Does Your Team Play to Win?

frog huddle

Every sport the team has a huddle to confer the next best strategy. 

Are you doing the same?

Your team is differently comprised than that of athletes.  Most likely you have a virtual assistant, graphic designer and I.T. person available, a bookkeeper and/or accountant, and associates with whom you brainstorm.  The most important question you can ask yourself is,

“Are all of your team players truly on your side and helping you to
move beyond current goals to your grandest vision?”

In addition to the usual players, I have two team players with whom I am proud to work.  

First team member:  Valeri Bocage hails from New Orleans or in her words, N’awlins, where she had a successful career with Landmark Education as a trainer.  But then… Hurricane Katrina hit causing Valeri to lose everything.  Did that little obstacle slow her down?  Not even slightly. She traveled to San Francisco where she built Powerful Women International – chapters are now thriving in 10 countries with more coming.

Second team member:  Sharon Hooper, located in Sedona AZ, and I met through an online collaboration dedicated to teaching social media and conducting business with heart.  We became friends and associates.  Sharon is a creative master with her specifically designed Vision Mapping Strategies to help you get your deep down desires on to paper and out into the world for all to witness.

The three of us are committed to helping entrepreneurs succeed and have joined forces to bring you our Business Retreat, Mary 4-7 in the Sonoma Wine Country .  Our program is designed to help you sync your mind, body and spirt and find success beyond what you thought possible.  We will be teaching you the best of what we know to help you achieve your dreams.  

Call (800) 704-1499 with any questions and register today.  Bring a friend to receive a 15% discount for both of you.

Commitment to education, whether seeking a job, planning your career or building business is a requirement for continued success.  Others will take note that you are on top of your game.  This becomes your marketing message and business development serving to put you in the leadership spot.  

When you take the required steps to grow, you become unstoppable ~ making yours the winning team and attracting the right job or clientele.  Most importantly you enjoy the very Smooth Sale!


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