Are You Selling Futures in Your Business?
Early in my career, I was advised not to sell futures. What I’m referring to is the products and services almost ready for sale. The main reason not to sell them before becoming available is unforeseen circumstances may prevent availablity as promised. Selling futures can kill the sale as well as future business.
By focusing on what you have today and know confidently it will assist your clients well, you will be far more likely to have a happy client. When the new offerings arise without glitches will be the perfect opportunity to revisit your clients to inform them. They appreciate the updates and your willingness to remain in touch.
When it comes to interviews, speak of your current proud moments and abilities as they apply to the position you are seeking. Future classes or programs are merely ideas and hold little merit until you have completed them.
Simply put, stick to the facts and make them interesting for those with whom you are magnetically communicating. For more on the topic of magnetic communication, read INSPIRED Business. When you sell to needs, wants and deep down desires, you will be on the wave of the Smooth Sale!
Read Addtional Strategies and Techniques:
INSPIRED Business A New Vision for Building Business and Communities, Motivational Press
Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results, Sourcebooks
HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews, Career Press