Improve Your Communication Improve – Your Outcome

If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on the shoulders of giants

We’ve all heard there are two sides to every story.  My very first sales manager used to randomly stick a coin in front of my nose and then ask, “Which side of the coin do your see?” While it was rather annoying, I was quick to grasp that with every encounter with prospects, clients or hiring managers, it’s important to know their side of the coin or story first.  This is how I developed my question and relationship based selling instead of the very old style telling-selling approach.

How you communicate is your underlying marketing-communication message.  Unfortunately some entrepreneurs have learned from TV and billboard ads to use the word “free” in their communication.  It’s supposed to be an enticement.  However, over time, generations have grown more savvy and look for hidden meaning behind the word “free”. It can mean, it’s free now but you will need to pay for the service after the trial is over; it’s free but I’m going to up-sell you big time should you accept; or it’s free but if you were a righteous person you would pay me with the underlying intent of giving the taker a guilt trip.

In my opinion you would do well to remove “free” from your business vocabulary in order to lose all of the negative implications and connotations.  Instead have your mindset focused on building trust and confidence in you upfront is the stepping stone to attracting more sales, the job you desire or anything else you want in life.  Therefore it is almost mandatory to discuss price and budget upfront.

Should you offer many services and/or products, have a comprehensive question based conversation with your prospect.  Get that person to tell you what they need and desire and what a wish list would look like.  From that create packages for what you offer.  For those who are on limited funds, from your point of view offer a prioritized and itemized list of what they need and could benefit by acquiring – and place the price next to each.  In this manner, people will begin to see the value you bring to the table and you will be perceived as the expert in your field.

Building trust and credibility is a vital part of your business development.  This will lead to repeat business, referrals and testimonials – all of which define the Smooth Sale!

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