Do you sometimes act boldly?

Every once in a while do you take a chance to apply for a job several steps over your head or attract clients that normally work with the “big guys”? When you have a fleeting thought of “I wonder if…” I encourage you to take the chance to see if it will in fact pay off. You have nothing to lose because if you don’t try, you certainly won’t get the attention you wish to attract.

Should you decide to “go for it” do so a smaller percentage of the time than with your routine marketing to prospects. It’s important to keep your pipeline of potential clients full. To increase your revenue, you need the majority of your pipeline to fit the ideal profile of your clientele. This is true whether you are vying for a higher level career position than you truly believe you will get or you are trying to make a sale.

To keep your enthusiasm high be of the mindset to focus on a variety of profiles with which you would like to work. This is the same concept as “don’t put all of your eggs in one basket”. For whatever reason, you will find certain segments are more apt to purchase at a given time vs. another and which segment it is will keep rotating. So be flexible for interviews and your clientele, and you will attract far more opportunity. To further encourage the opportunity – build relationships!

As you attract more opportunities – you will be enjoying the Smooth Sale!

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