Are you “the shoemaker” or the exemplary business guru?
The older generation’s favorite saying was, “the shoemaker’s children have no shoes”. I heard this repeatedly growing up. What does this have to do with business? Everything and I was reminded of it just recently.
A vendor at an event was offering to teach entrepreneurs how to create six figure incomes. This wasn’t her own program but one she licensed from someone. So the conflict, as I see it, begins at this point. In essence, she is building someone else’s practice not her own, teaching advice of another.
Even more startling though was that “Susan” was telling an audience that they each need to develop multiple streams of income to be successful. However, her own vendor table showcased only two sheets of paper typed and printed in her home office. They weren’t professionally designed nor were they eye-catching – and – only two. Instead of having the multiple streams she insisted her audience have, Susan herself only had two services to offer and zero product to showcase. Sure enough, Susan had very few visitors at her table.
Susan compounded the problem by offering very little insight when given the opportunity to speak for an hour. When you are a guest speaker it’s an opportunity to showcase your knowledge, get the audience to know you personally, and tie everything together into what you have to offer. The same is true during an interview. The speakers and job seekers who master this art do very well. This apparently was not the case for Susan.
Three points for you to consider:
1. Make certain you are in compliance with your own statements – marketing-communication consistency builds your brand best
2. Showcase what you know in a helpful way and share how you came about the knowledge to build relationships with your audience
3. Create multiple packages showcasing your expertise reflective of your talking points and demonstrate you are there to help your prospects and clients
Utilizing these tips, you will attract wider audiences and sales. As a job-seekers, you will attract increased attention from those who interview you. They establish your leadership skills and you will be seen as the expert. Business development becomes fairly easy as you begin to enjoy a very Smooth Sale!